Category: News

Centralia Pennsylvania Cleanup Trash 4

On Saturday, September 24, 2016 a cleanup day will be held in Centralia, Pennsylvania. Volunteers interested in helping to pickup trash should meet at the Centralia Municipal Building at 9AM. Lots of parking is...

Centralia PA Documentary Editing 0

As we’ve previously covered, a new documentary about Centralia, PA and its mine fire disaster is currently in post-production. Centralia, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town is set to be released this summer [Update: Film to be...

Centralia PA Mine Fire Steam 0

Centralia, Pennsylvania has been making the news recently. Below are four stories worth checking out: Music Video In anticipation of the upcoming film, Centralia, Pennsylvania’s Lost Town, director Joe Sapienza II and singer-songwriter David Wayne...

Centralia Pennsylvania Trash Fire 0

Special thanks to Joe Sapienza II for bringing us the following story and media: On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 a small wild fire was reported in Centralia, PA. The out-of-control fire was found burning...


Are you curious about Centralia, Pennsylvania and want to do something to help the town? Come join the Centralia cleanup crew on Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 9AM to 2PM! Interested volunteers should stop...